Thursday, March 13, 2014

My Favorite Photoshop tool {Make your life easier when you edit if you don't know this trick already}

Photoshop is amazing can we all agree on that! I love learning something new that I can do in photoshop to make my life easier or my photos even more incredible! One tool that I commonly use a lot is the "Actions" tool. I love actions, I have so many actions and they are all wonderful and make editing a breeze! If you know what I'm talking about I'm sure your nodding right now, but if you don't, let me show you how to cut your FaceTime with your computer in half!

I have created an example action for you and step by step photos on how to perform the action :)
1. Go to the "Window" bar in your photoshop program and select "Actions."
2. After your action screen is up, select the page with the corner folded up, (create) to start a new action.
3. Name your action, then press "Record."
4. Your action is now recording everything you will do to your photo! For this example, I wrote my watermark, plain and simple. 
5. Keep your action going, go in and save your creation, your action will do everything you do for future photos.
6. Save as you normally would. 
Now, how to really work it! Batch work together that you want the same action done to each photo. 
1. Go to "Tools" 
2. Select "Photoshop"
3. Click "Batch"
This awesome screen will show up asking which action you would like to perform on your selected photos.
Mine was to watermark horizontal photos. After I hit the action, I can walk away and let photoshop do it's thing. I'm done. Why spend time doing the same action to each photo individually when you can do it all at once?! So, now you all know one of my favorite tricks in photoshop!

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