Friday, March 14, 2014

The squats for bad knees

I'm one of those people that is willing to try it all before thinking of the end result. When I saw the "squat challenge" I was like "yes, I can totally do that and have an amazingly awesome backside!" Without thinking of my already messed up knees I took off on the squat challenge. Needless to say, I failed, 4 weeks later I was sitting in physical therapy learning how to rebuild the muscles in my knees that I tore up. 3 months later I was allowed to start doing cardio and now I'm working my way back up to my normal workout. My knees are getting better, (October 2013 I was allowed to start cardio again) but I'm still doing my alternatives for squats that I learned in therapy and so I'm sharing them with those of you who may have knee issues like me. (issues like I have to wear two knee braces to the gym and for any physical activity issues) 

I didn't have a friend photograph me doing these stretches, but google had some fun drawings to show you! 
Lunges are great, Now make sure you're really focusing on the bend, since those of us with bad knees the bend is where it starts to hurt us. I do about 20-30 reps of this before my knees start to get angry at me. Trust me, once I'm strong enough to do squats again, I'll be on it!

This move I have a stretchy rope thing that I have my foot push back on, but this move does the same thing and works all the same muscles. This move I can do about 40 reps or so before my knees dislike it. Both of these will get you the same results as a squat, but just a little less stress on the knees. Note I am not a personal trainer and do not I repeat do not know all there is about exercising and being fit, I'm just sharing tips I've learned from professionals or just tips I feel that work great for me in my journey to becoming a better me :) 

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